About us
DONOMA studio is an experiential space that nurtures creativity through pottery and art. We are a team of artists, designers, carpenters, photographers, mothers and fathers. We aim to pass down traditional crafts and local culture to future generations, foster a multicultural community, and promote a sustainable lifestyle.
DONOMA studioは、陶芸やアートを通じて創造性を育む体験型スタジオです。伝統工芸や地域文化を次世代につなぎ、多国籍コミュニティの交流を促し、サステナブルなライフスタイルを提案します。
Our creative workshops are not just about learning techniques—they offer a hands-on experience that deepens the understanding of creativity. As a design studio, we stand at the forefront of Kyoto’s creative scene, blending artistic and craft traditions with innovation.
We also host the KIDS ART CLUB, providing opportunities for children to develop imagination, language skills, and an appreciation for diversity, creating a creative space that connects the local and global communities.
Additionally, we curate artist residencies, workshops, and exhibitions centered on themes of nature and sustainability, bringing together people from different fields to spark new ideas and collaborations.
At Chanoma Cafe, you can enjoy nourishing dishes made with locally sourced ingredients, as well as carefully selected coffee and tea served in a variety of handcrafted ceramics—an experience that highlights the artistic harmony between food and tableware. We also host pop-up dinners, inviting chefs from around the world to take you on a journey of flavors.
Upstairs, you’ll find Agaru Antiques, a collection curated by antique dealer ZOI. Here, new and old objects transcend time, weaving together a grand narrative of craftsmanship and creation.
また、「KIDS ART CLUB」を開催し、想像力や言語力、多様性を育む機会を創出し、地域と世界をつなぐクリエイティブな空間を目指します。
Chanoma Cafeでは、身体が温まる、地元食材を活かした料理や、選りすぐりのコーヒー・お茶をさまざまな器で提供し、食と器の芸術性を体験できます。また、世界中から料理人を招きポップアップディナーを定期的に開催し、味覚の旅へ誘います。
2階へ上がると骨董商のZOIが手掛けるAgaru Antiquesというコレクションを展示販売しています。新物、古物が時空を超えて作り上げる壮大な「ものづくり」の物語をご堪能ください。
Contact form
Join our team
We are looking for enthusiastic creators to work together with us. Part time job, internship, apprenticeship are availble. Please send us your CV and portfolio.
Business Partners
We are open for any type of collaborations with creators and corporations. Also, please send us your inquiries if you are a retailer or wholesaler.